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Analog Out Issue After Upgrade to 3.0

Posted: 06 Jun 2024, 18:22
by abuzaqan
I have the analog out clocking a DFAM and Subharmonicon and now that I've upgraded to 3.0, when I press play those devices move one step but then no more. It might be a simple setting somewhere but I haven't been able to find it. Midi isn't acting this way for me, things are starting and stopping like they were before the upgrade. Anyone have any ideas for me? Thanks!

Re: Analog Out Issue After Upgrade to 3.0

Posted: 07 Jun 2024, 02:10
by abuzaqan
I had to go into the settings and change the analog clock speed. I know settings are supposed to persist through firmware updates, but I didn't make this change and everything was working fine before the update. No matter, just happy it's working again.

Re: Analog Out Issue After Upgrade to 3.0

Posted: 07 Jun 2024, 10:32
by Simon
Yes very good point and sorry about this, I forgot to mention it, the An.1 and An.2 settings have changed between pre-3.0 and 3.0. The settings saved on the device are left untouched after any upgrade but in this case the range of these two settings has moved by 1, which means whatever value you had goes minus 1 (so I guess yours was set to 1, and after the upgrade it was at 0).

Unfortunately with the current upgrade process there is nothing I can do to prevent it. But I'm improving the upgrade process for 4.0 which will also handle these situations better, the upgrade software will be able to save your settings and restore them to the correct format.

I will add a note in the changelog and the forum so that people are aware about this - thanks for letting us know! :)


Re: Analog Out Issue After Upgrade to 3.0

Posted: 24 Jun 2024, 20:09
by abuzaqan
Sorry for the late reply, but no worries, and I'm glad I was able to point out something people might want to be aware of.

I've said it to you in posts and emails before, but this device has become integral to my studio setup, and with these updates it continues to get better and better. Thank you so much for the time you put into continuing to develop the device, it gives it a value far beyond anything monetary.