Stop the midi clock output?

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Stop the midi clock output?

Post by cactus27 »

Is there any way to stop the midi clock output? There are times I want to let my devices be free running and not synced but I can’t figure out a way to get midronome to stop sending a clock signal. I’ve just been unplugging it which is kind of a pain. It would be useful if the mute button could be set to mute the midi clock in addition to the audio output.
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Re: Stop the midi clock output?

Post by HappyClocker »

I get that idea. If implemented it should be an option to be switched on/off via a setting.
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Re: Stop the midi clock output?

Post by Simon »

Interesting thoughts, you're not the first one to ask about it either :D It seems there are no official request about it in the Feature requests forums, so I am moving this topic there.

Just FYI, this behavior comes from the very early days of the Midronome, my thoughts were that a masterclock should always be running. But I'll consider adding an option to turn it off when pressing Play (to stop) or Mute for example.

For now, the easiest workaround is to set the "inP" setting to "2.4.P." as this is the only mode where the Midronome will stop the master clock (the display will show "---"). Then set it back to OFF or something else to start the master clock again.

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Re: Stop the midi clock output?

Post by Novoline »

I would also like to see this feature. It could be another setup option, equivalent to the ANL setting ON vs PLAY.

For me it’s a question of combining two live setups; one where the midronome is master, and the other where my Atari ST is. Since the prog I use on the ST doesn’t accept a sync in, the ST is my master clock (which works great anyway)
Im at a standstill with combining these two setups currently. The only solution is to use an old “The Funnel” from Digital Music Corp and use inputs 1+2 and toggle the switch on the funnel, but that obviously adds one more step in the process (and one more thing to forget when I’m playing live!)
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Re: Stop the midi clock output?

Post by Simon »

Just FYI - this has been mentioned before in viewtopic.php?t=72
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Re: Stop the midi clock output?

Post by Simon »

From Stina on the Midronome Facebook Group (added for reference):
Stina wrote:Is it possible to stop both the clock and the click? This would be great for syncing my sequencers live - first I want to trigger the arp, and after that I want to "activate" midronome, so that the arp will be perfectly in sync and not affected by my timing :)))
I think using this features with arps makes a valid point ;)

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Re: Stop the midi clock output?

Post by stinasnyamobil »

Wow, that would be so convenient! When can one expect these firmware updates to be released? 🙂
I tried your workaround suggestion, but the synth didn't respond as I had hoped when I went back from "2.4.P." to another input setting. It still needed to be retriggered by hand. When I use my DAW (Logic Pro) as an external MIDI clock and send it to my Prophet 8, I can hold down a key on the Prophet, then hit play in Logic, so that the click and clock start simultaneously, as well as the arpeggio, which then is perfectly in sync to the click.
It works fine to sync manually to the click in the midronome as well, but if one has very fast synth-arpeggios or sequencers, this would have been nice, or if one is nervous when playing live and triggers the arpeggios a bit worse than one does in the rehearsal room...
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Re: Stop the midi clock output?

Post by Simon »

Hi Stina - yes the workaround is not great, I understand :)

But yes it's correct, changing back from 2.4.P. mode will start the clock but it will not start your arpeggios or sequencers. To start your sequencers you'll need to press play on the Midronome and they will start on time.

For the arppegiators it's a bit more complicated yes, you will need either to make sure the clock starts exactly on the beat (so switching away from 2.4.P. exactly on time), or sending a MIDI note / pressing a key exactly on the beat as you mentionned yourself...

In any case, if this comes as a feature all you will need is to press Stop/Play and you will get the same behavior as you get with Logic ;)

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