Ability to double or halve the sync tempo

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Ability to double or halve the sync tempo

Post by Larry »

So the feature request is as in the title - I would like to see a setting that allows me to request double or half speed bpms on one or both MIDI outs on the metronome.

This is the context:

I needed to add some sounds from a Moog DFAM to a song I was working on in the DAW. DFAM is one of those gadgets, doesn’t have MIDI but has a clock input and you can sync it from another device. (I use a dedicated “DFAM Thing” which converts MIDI clock). Long story short, when I synced it, it turned out for whatever reason it assumed my eighth notes were quarter notes and the resulting beat was too slow. I did manage to overcome this by syncing it via CV with a Behringer DFAM replica (called Edge) but before I managed that I really wished I could just open the Midronome and say, send double speed on MIDI out1 - or something to this effect. Would have saved me a day or two:)

I can see someone has already requested this in the comments of this thread:
There may be others, no idea but I exchanged a couple of emails with Simon and he suggested I put this here to see how popular the demand is for such a feature. So do second this in the comments if you want it implemented.
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Joined: 09 Jan 2022, 22:08

Re: Ability to double or halve the sync tempo

Post by Simon »

Thank you Larry for creating a topic about this - let's see what people think! :)

How would you suggest the user interface for this to be? Just a hidden setting where you can set MIDI OUT 1 to be x2 or x0.5?
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