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by gtech
13 Nov 2023, 08:14
Forum: Future features & firmware
Topic: Start/Reset for ANLG output
Replies: 10
Views: 9857

Re: Start/Reset for ANLG output

Hi Simon, That would be amazing if you could extend it to include all those options! Since the "/" would look weird on the 7-segment display, a couple more options could be: - d1, d2, d3... d24 (for "divide") -> sends a 5ms 5V pulse every X ppq (current values) - 1S, 2S, 3S, 4S.....
by gtech
14 Aug 2023, 17:13
Forum: Future features & firmware
Topic: Start/Reset for ANLG output
Replies: 10
Views: 9857

Re: Start/Reset for ANLG output

For the reset feature, most important for me would be to set the sequence length, so I can reset my analog sequencers, clock dividers etc every 2 or 4 bars or some other number of beats. It wouldn't necessarily need an additional setting. I could imagine it working if the number of pulses per quarte...